
Got a question? Want to give feedback? Or just fancy bolstering Alannah's ego by letting her know how much you've enjoyed one of her books (it happens!)? Then please get in touch using the contact form below (yes, it's a bit formal, but it apparently helps ward off evil spammer spirits).

But before we get there, did you know that you can keep up with Alannah's news via her newsletter (the best way) or social media? To pick up the links for those, click here.

Righto... Here's that promised contact form...

Note: Please allow a humanly reasonable period for a reply, especially during busy times. If you don't hear from the author after several days, please try again, in the case that there may have been a tech issue.


The best efforts have been made to ensure that the links & information on this site are correct. However, if you have any problems with the site at all (e.g. accessing links), or believe any of the information to be incorrect, kindly message the author with details, and attempts will be made to rectify the situation as soon as possible.

Thank you